
"Inanis, That Which Begins and Ends"
In the beginning, before the sky or the stars; before the clay beneath your feet, or the air in your lungs; before the waves started clawing their way up the shores, and before the great limbs of forest trees reached for the sky; there was the void, Inanis.
Inanis was nothing. It was an emptiness so complete and so inescapable, we cannot now—nor could we ever—comprehend it. It was the absence of matter, of light, of all things.
And yet. From Inanis, came everything; the sky, the stars, the clay, the air, the waves, and the trees. From Inanis, came the Vetarae, the Ancient Ones, and they scattered across the newly wrought stars, bringing with them raw and primal forces, upon which the Universe was built. Whether the ones that brought these things into being were released by the will of Inanis--or if they escaped--is not known. What is known, is that they still live among us, drawing around them continents of their own creation, where their worshippers and non-worshippers alike embody their ideals.
There are those in remote places, who hold Inanis as the one true god, due to its position as the nexus of creation, and they spend entire lifetimes working to comprehend its nature--with some seeking to bring it back.
Exsolutus, The Unbound Queen
The first to spring forth from the void, Exsolutus illuminated the universe. Her form exists on a plane of eternal light, where plants and animals thrive outside the constraints of time. The
"Telas, The Spinner"
The second of the Vetarae to materialize was Telas, the Spinner. Shying away from her sister's blinding light, she retreated to a distant corner of a remote world, where she began spinning thread from loose atoms and matter. After a time--a second, a year, or an age--she looked around to survey her labor, realizing she had been moving forward, and her thread marked the record of her journey. Unwilling--or unable--to stop, she continues to spin the thread of time, hidden away.
Solisa & Tenebris, The Empyrean Dyad
The Sky Twins were the third and the fourth to emerge, their wings arching out in opposite directions. In the chaos, they were ripped apart. To this day, they search for one another, their lonely journeys across an endless universe marked by day and night.
Vis, The Eternal Matron
Vis was the fifth, and while the others burst from the void, she blossomed. She is the eternal force of nature, delicate and terrible in her power.
Exio, Lord of the Gates
Calxa, The Mountaincaller